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Cleankill manager represents England at hockey

Ian Miller

Cleankill senior manager Ian Miller has proudly represented England as part of the over 65s team this year. He has already been to Holland and Germany and will travel to South Africa to play in the Masters’ World Cup in October.

Ian has been playing hockey since he was 12 years old and as a teenager he played for Kent in the under 14, under 15 and under 16 teams and then played in the under 16 South East England team. He was also selected for the England under 16 squad along with (future Olympic Gold Medal winner) Sean Kerly.

The following year Ian joined a band called the Bo-Flyers which distracted him from his hockey career. His break from hockey continued while his children were young and it wasn’t until he was in his 40s that he started playing again. He fulfilled his ambition to play for England in his 60s.

Ian, who plays left mid-field, said: “I’m very proud to be able to wear an England shirt and represent my country. I’ve never been to South Africa so I’m very excited about playing there and competing against teams including Australia and New Zealand”.   

“I am going to keep playing for as long as I keep mobile and I’m enjoying playing now as much as I ever have.”