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Why Spring is the Perfect Time for Pest Control in the UK

As the chill of winter recedes and the first signs of spring begin to show, nature awakens in full bloom. While flowers start to blossom and the days grow longer, this season also signals something less…

Are pest numbers increasing? And what does this mean for 2025?

Pest control is an ever-changing industry. Various factors influence the types of pest we are asked to deal with. Based on the number of call-outs we have received over the last couple of years, we have seen a…

What does the wettest winter for over 100 years mean for rodents?

Britain is facing the wettest winter recorded in 130 years and the extreme rainfall is having very destructive consequences such as flooding. This weather is not only damaging homes and businesses, but also…

It shouldn’t happen to a pest controller

It’s two o'clock on a Friday afternoon and Cleankill Directors Paul, Jon, Clive and Ian are enjoying a cuppa after a busy week. Their peace is disturbed by the telephone ringing. Ian answers and is greeted by…

Taking the Cleankill team to new heights!

One of Cleankill’s core services is bird prevention work. This includes installing netting and other types of ‘proofing’ to deter birds such as pigeons and seagulls from landing and nesting. Bird droppings are…

Is winter pest control as important as summer?

It’s a common belief that winter brings a respite from those pests that cause a nuisance during the summer months, unfortunately this isn’t the case. There are plenty of rodents and insects to keep you busy…

‘My Left Bollock’... a true recount from Josh Bates

I’m sure you remember (mainly because we haven't stopped talking about it) our amazing team member, Josh Bates, being awarded Pest Controller of the Year at the recent National Pest Awards. What makes Josh’s…

Cleankill team member, Martin Newman, walks 70km for Cancer Charity!

On Saturday 7th September our bird work team member Martin Newman took on the massive challenge of completing a 100km walk in 24hrs!Martin began walking at 10am Saturday morning and finished at 3am on Sunday…

Where are all the wasps?

You can probably count on one hand the number of wasps you have seen this summer which is good news for people who have a phobia of wasps, but not such good news for pest controllers who usually benefit from…

How do we navigate a sustainable future?

As a leader in sustainability practices and winner of many awards, Cleankill Pest Control Managing Director Paul Bates was asked to give a talk at PestEx – the national conference for the pest control industry…

Welcoming Vincent

Vincent is one of the first Hong Kongers to work in pest control in the UK. Cleankill is delighted to have him on the team and his customers really appreciate his attention to detail and friendly attitude.Here…

Why ISO accreditation matters in pest control

You’ve got a pest problem. You want a company to come and deal with it. You want that company to have the expertise to do the job safely, effectively and with exemplary customer service.How do you find such a…

Why you must solicit reviews from your customers

“I was at my wits’ end, now I have hope!’When I read this review of us on Trustpilot, it reminded me that what we ultimately do as a company is help people. Yes, we reduce the spread of disease and protect…

What’s in your attic?

Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat…I wonder how many of us are planning to put up our Christmas decorations this weekend. Perhaps you’re one of those people who likes to get into the festive…

The Rise of the Bed Bug

You’ve probably seen the lurid stories about bed bug infestations overtaking Paris and the hysteria that some elements of the press are whipping up about them coming over here. The truth is bed bugs have been…

What rodent control measure to choose?

In June this year it was announced that legal authorisation to use the last two second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) – bromadiolone and difenacoum – in open areas and waste dumps will be…

Fighting fire with fire: the importance of falconry in pest control

We’ve had some brilliant news. Not only have we been shortlisted in the Large Company of the Year category at the 2023 National Pest Awards, but Alan Day, Team Leader of our Falconry Team, has been named…

Keep ‘em peeled: why we need to be vigilant over Asian hornets

Asian hornets, Vespa velutina, are back in the news. So far this year, newspapers have reported sightings in Northumberland, Dorset and Kent and, after a recent Pest Control Education and Training Forum…

Don’t let clothes moths ruin your summer

I’m sure everyone has them, but I’ve got Google alerts set up for various different pests and in the last few days I’ve noticed an increase in notifications about clothes moths. News articles entitled things…

The right way to procure pest control

Recently I responded to a post on LinkedIn from a fellow pest control specialist. He was bemoaning the rise of the ‘procurement specialist’. In fact, he didn’t mean all procurement specialists, just those who…