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Got a problem with mosquitos? Check your shower trap

Cleankill Pest Control is reminding homeowners to check their shower traps after one client found themselves with a nasty infestation of mosquitos in the middle of winter.The East Sussex resident was surprised to find they were being bitten by mosquitos in January. Initial searches for the cause of the problem proved inconclusive. It was only when they looked in the shower trap of a rarely used shower that they found lots of tiny, vicious mosquito young. 

Margot gets into the Christmas spirit while raising funds for Alzheimer Research UK

Staff at Croydon-based Cleankill Pest Control raised £96 via an office raffle and donations during last year’s Christmas Jumper Day.The day was an enormous amount of fun, with everyone in the office, even little Margot.This amount was matched by Cleankill’s directors and then rounded up to £200.Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease of the brain. It gradually spreads, causing greater damage and removing cognitive abilities. Currently, more than 520,000 people have Alzheimer’s in the UK, making it the most common cause of dementia. 

Cleankill’s hawks delight care home residents

Three members of the Cleankill Pest Control bird control team recently stopped by Hatfield Nursing Home in Hertfordshire with their Harris Hawks. The visit gave residents the opportunity to meet, stroke and ask questions about the hawks.  

Lights, camera, action – Cleankill participates in promotional film for Bantham Technologies

On Monday 10th October 2022, two of Cleankill’s pest control technicians, Josh Bates and Dan Cooper, assisted Bantham Technologies in the filming of a new promotional video.

Getting to know a new client

Bird control specialist Alan Day has recently visited a new client in Aylesford, Kent, to give them insights into the effectiveness of the Harris hawk at controlling feral bird populations. During his visit, Alan introduced the team at AM Surveying & Block Management to the hawks, gave them a flying demonstration, explained how we use the birds to control pigeons, gulls and parakeets, and allowed them to take a selfie with the hawk.

Vote for us!

Okay, this may seem a little direct but it would be great if you could vote for us in this year’s Croydon Business Excellence Awards. We have been shortlisted in two categories:

Louise conquers Macmillan South Coast Mighty Hike

Congratulations to Cleankill Pest Control Administrator Louise Newman on completing the 2022 South Coast Mighty Hike and raising £810 for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Congratulations, Sam!

Pest control surveyor Sam Boylett has passed his Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 3 Pest Management qualification, making him one of the only surveyors in the country to achieve this level of certification.

Hero of the hour

A Kenley based pest control technician has stepped in to help a distressed woman and child after they were targeted by a loose Bullmastiff. Alex Donovan from Cleankill Pest Control was outside his office when we saw a young woman walking to school with her child and miniature dachshund. It was clear she was highly distressed and the reason for this soon became clear - a 50+ Kg Bullmastiff was charging at them.

Good Riddance Pest Control supports Clevedon District Foodbank

Bristol-based Good Riddance Pest Control is offering free support to its local foodbank – the Clevedon District Foodbank.

Cleankill increases foothold in West Sussex

Surrey based Cleankill Pest Control is strengthening its operations in West Sussex and Hampshire with the acquisition of privately owned family company Des Bone Ltd.

Chris Davis to give presentation on the importance of staff training at PestEx

Cleankill Pest Control’s Technical and Training Manager Chris Davis has been asked by Killgerm’s Matthew Davies to present a joint seminar entitled ‘An on-the-ground view of pest control staff training – challenges and successes’ at PestEx 2022.